Contact Us
Ready to find out more about the power of Qi?
Use the contact form below to message us, or scroll down for the location details of a centre near you.
Contact us at any one of our locations
If we do not have a centre near you, we offer online classes, skype or phone deals and consultations. We also visit events in different areas.
Kitab Mahal, 3rd Floor
192 Dadabhai Naoroji Road
Azad Maidan, Fort
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001

Carrer Rodriguez
de Valcarcel 9
(Entrada Calle del Mar 4)
Santa Eularia del Rio
07840 Ibiza, Spain

Los Angeles
Greater Los Angeles
28720 Roadside Drive, Suite 399A
Agoura Hills, CA 91301

C-3-10, Vantage Desiran Tanjung,
10470 Tanjong Tokong, Penang.